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[Prayers] in thankfulness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)


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In thankfulness.
O God,
I come into thy presence
with songs of thanks
on my lips and my heart.
I thank Thee
for the joy of living
and learning
and doing
which thou hast given unto me,
and for all the revelations of thy lovingkindness.
Our Father!
among all other blessings
I thank Thee for this,
that I can realise thy presence at all times.
I know not what thou art,
but I can feel thine influence.
I thank thee for having given me
the power to love,
by which I have made for myself
a bridge stronger than death,
whereon I may walk fearlessly
even to eternity.
We give thanks unto thee,
for thou art the Lord our God
and the God of our fathers
for ever and ever;
thou art the Rock of our lives,
the Shield of our salvation
through every generation.
We will give thanks unto thee
and declare thy praise
for our lives
which are committed unto thy hand,
and for our souls
which are in thy charge,
and for thy miracles,
which are daily with us,
and for thy wonders and thy benefits
which are wrought at all times,
evening, morn and noon.
O thou who art all-good,
whose mercies fail not;
thou, merciful Being,
whose lovingkindnesses never cease,
we have ever hoped in thee.
Almighty God,
source of all goodness and happiness,
I offer thee my heartfelt thanks
for the numberless tokens of thy love
with which my life is crowded.
For the gift of life itself
with all its possibilities,
for the soul with its power
to recognise and confess thee
as the Author of all things,
I bless and praise thee, my heavenly Father.
For the wise and loving laws
which thou hast designed for my guidance and happiness;
for the prophets and teachers of Israel who,
having led many to righteousness,
are like the stars for ever;
for the great and good of all ages, lands, and peoples,
upon whose inheritance I have entered,
I bless and praise thee, my heavenly Father.
For all the pleasant things of the earth;
for the beauty in which thou has robed thy creation;
for the gift of health;
for the joys of home and family;
for the sweet communion of friendship;
and for the desire within me for goodness and purity,
for gentleness and self-control,
for unselfishness and brotherly love,
which prepares the way on earth
for the kingdom of God,
I bless and praise thee, my heavenly Father.
Help me, O Lord my God,
to make a right use of these and all thy gifts.
Sanctify unto me every earnest effort which I make,
even as I do at this hour,
to remember some part of what I owe to thee,
so that I may live more worthily in thy sight,
and in seeking the welfare and the happiness of thy children,
may serve thee, as thou desirest,
heavenly Father.
How wonderful are the works of thy hand, O Lord.
The Heavens declare thy glory
and the firmament showeth thy handiwork.
In thy love
hast thou given unto me the power
to behold the beauty of thy world,
robed in all its glory,
the sun and the stars,
the valleys and the hills,
the flowers of the meadow
in their colours and their gracefulness.
They shine like a beacon,
heralding thy presence.
The boisterous roaring of the breakers of the sea
tells me of thine awful power,
and the beasts of the field
and the birds of the air
speak of thy greatness and thy glory.
May my eyes behold and rejoice.
O Lord, make me worthy of these thy gifts!
In thy marvellous greatness
hast thou granted unto me the power
to hear the music of the world,
to listen to the grandness of the winds
that roar out thy majesty
or whisper of thy love;
the songs of the birds
and the sweet melody of the strings
which speak of thy gentleness and purity;
the voice of loved ones,
manifesting unto me that thou art in our midst.
May my ears be open and give heed.
O Lord, make me worthy of these thy gifts!
In thy Fatherly care for me
hast thou breathed into me thy holy spirit
to guide me,
to comfort me,
to shield me,
and to strengthen me,
to remind me ever of thy righteousness,
for I am built in thine image.
May my soul be conscious of it
and my heart be humble.
O Lord, make me worthy of this thy most glorious gift.

Basil L.Q. Henriques’s prayers “In Thankfulness” were first published in The Fratres Book of Prayer for the Oxford and St. George’s Synagogue Jewish Lads Club in 1916, and later reprinted in the Prayer Book of the St. George’s Settlement Synagogue (1929), “Special Prayers” section, pages 88-90. The prayer appears to be an expansion of the penultimate modim (thanksgiving) prayer near the conclusion of the Amidah. –Aharon Varady




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